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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Last Breakfast Before Ramadhan.

Those poor and needy perhaps always experienced the hunger and cannot afford to eat at fancy places, and most of the times longingly looking at nice food which they can't afford to buy. But people like us who can afford things got so worried at the idea of abstaining from eating during day time during Ramadhan.

And I am one of them. I was thinking, oh no more breakfast there, no more eating tapau lunch together with my colleagues. So, last Monday, as I passed Little Craving which is one of my favorite breakfast nook, I stopped by to buy Mee Siam. Tell you, Mee Siam here simply marvelous. And so are their soft-boiled eggs.

May you all have a blessed Ramadhan. For every food you waste, remember the poor and needy. And when you eat gluttony, think of them. One of Ramadhan's purpose is so we can experience what the poor feel when they are hungry with no money to buy. So you will be more grateful to Almighty Allah and symphatise with these people. If you can, please put more to the charity.

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