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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another Page Of My Life Gone

Today memang a gloomy day. Sedih rasa memanjang. Sesekali, mengalir juga airmata. Masa driving ke, tunggu lift ke. Everything's done half-heartedly.

As  I said, getting news of the demise of my friend really strike me. Of course he's been sick with cancer. I am not fortunate to be able to visit him often like other friends of us. In fact, they all planned to have kenduri doa selamat today tapi tiba-tiba dapat berita ini. Whatever happened is for the best. Semoga rohnya dirahmati Allah S.W.T.

We are not close but during early years in boarding school, we get to know each other sebab dia jadi perantara between me and another guy. Then we become close friends but as time flies, we drifted apart. Among sweet memories bila dia bagi duit raya yang diselitkan dalam kad raya. It is funny, because kami dalam tingkatan satu. Budak sekolah bukannya ada income sendirikan. Of courselah kena returnkan duit itu.

But I would always remember him as a nice guy. Never once in my life, I heard him uttered something bad about me or others. He was always fun.

Once again, al Fatihah untuk arwah. He is gone but the memories linger on especially to everyone who knows him.

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