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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Expensive but Embarrassing Lesson

Today, another expensive lesson but I guess it is not a secret to everyone except for a lazy bum like me. Ah...I do not know whether to blame it on internet whatsoever, but that is the case. I was really hooked up on internet, well everything is there. Talk about news, your favorite stars, your favorite drama and the list goes on. Totally absorbed into internet, I became too lazy to clean the house. Luckily, I still remember to wash my clothes and also cooking utensils plus plates whatever in the kitchen. Once a while, I will spray clorox to bathroom tiles and wipe it. And the toilet bowl. It is not sparkling clean but still clean. Hahaha

I was cut off from internet since Saturday. But still I did not turn on the television. I even subscribed to Astro but it is not fun anymore to watch television. And worse, with more free time since internet kaput, I still did not make any move to clear the house. Instead, I watched the Korean drama that I managed to download from internet while waiting for my sister to bring back the router from Kuala Terengganu.

This morning, my sister gave me the router. So excited but still fail to connect. So, I called Telekom. Then I got call from Telekom personnel, telling me he was on the way. 5 minutes more, he will arrive at my doorstep. Not enough time to clear the mess. Normally, he will check from outside. Since I answered the fixed line, there is no way to bluff I am outside, right. So, clear whatever I could.

Apparently, the modem still got warranty. So, he came to replace it. I should have called that Saturday. Their service is fast compared to their counterpart in Kuala Terengganu. 

Three things I learnt:

1- Make sure your house is sparkling clean all the time. You never know who will drop by your house. Just imagine if you fall sick or pass away, the guests surely will be appalled at your house condition. It is not a good impression, further it is a good feeling to live in a clean place. I know the feeling coz I lived in that environment once. Total embarrassing, I hope the Telekom personnel forget about this visit.

2- Always ask whether there is still warranty or remember the warranty period, it will reduce the hassle. I threw away the broken modem. Luckily, I got another spare that the Telekom personnel can bring back.

3- Do not be caught stupid. Apparently, the equipment that my sister brought back is router only. It needed to be connected to modem. If only I knew it, I won't be caught red-handed in a messy environment. embarrassing.

p/s: I will update more stories after my exam...Got so many stories but caught up in this Korean drama, I heard Your Voices. Have you watched it? It is worth your times. And I have a girly crush on Lee Jong Suk. Sigh!!!!

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