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Monday, April 9, 2012

Dental Visit

Right after makan pagi, aku terus ke klinik gigi di Permint. Sini tak ada appointment, 1st come, 1st serve. Hok tu selalu buat aku geram. Basically, you have to come and maybe spend several hours waiting for your turn. The clinic opened at 9 am. So, aku pergi sebelum tu tapi by the time I arrived, it is 5 minutes passed 9 am. My heart dropped when I noticed 2/3 pair shoes/sandals at the entrance. (kena buka kasut). Alamak, dah ramai orang before me lah...But when I registered, cuma seorang lagi. 

Picked up a magazine, flipping through the pages, searching for interesting articles. Tengah khusyuk reading. I heard my name being called. Hooray, it was not a long wait. Yeah, the pain is too unbearable this time around. By hook or by crook, the problem must be fixed. Bad tooth must go, another one I am keeping as it can still be saved. Hahahaha.

Giving dentist sweet smile and greeting her nicely (gosh...I am still having phobia from the last encounter with another dentist to extract this tooth (klik sini). Oh yeah, the same stubborn tooth but this time, definitely you would be my history. Dengan penuh vengeance ni. Yes, you bad tooth, always haunting my sleep. Go, go, go away.

"Doktor, gigi saya sakitlah, hardly can open my mouth, left jaw is painful. And on the right, this tooth..painful if I bite. Tapi tak sure whether dah kena infection ( sure it is, if not why it is so painful?) Dah lama sakit tapi baru berani nak datang."

"Tak apa kalau tak ada masa. Kita boleh tengok." But doc, I am suffering so much. 2 days now I could  not chew on my food, masuk dalam mulut, kunyah sikit saja more towards kemang (another Trengganu word) and then swallowed. Poor me, tak boleh enjoy the food. However, enjoy is one thing but to consume is another. I am so amazed with myself, no matter how bad is the toothache, I can still finished a plate of rice. Mind you, it was a huge portion. 

So, akupun baring atas dentist chair. Made myself comfy. Eee, takutnya bayangkan jarum. But I braced myself for the pain.

Oh oh. Maaf doktor, could not open it wider as left jaw hurt everytime I open my mouth. Sikit-sikit, okaylah. Doktorpun checklah. Oh wow, it is bad.
Gigi yang berlubang on the left side tak kena infection but hujung gusi where the geraham bongsu supposed to be ada nanah. Uweek. Tapi aku tak pernah ada geraham bongsu before ni. Doktor kata since ada satu ruang kosong disebelah kiri ni, all those teeth dah shifted forward, it created space untuk geraham bongsu tumbuh. I thought after 40, that's itlah kan. No geraham bongsu sebab I heard it is quite a painful ordeal bila that gigi nak tumbuh. That's it, that's why I am not married because aku belum ada geraham bongsu. Dah tumbuh ni, maybe my jodoh would come soon...hahaha. Back to this tooth, tak boleh nak buat filling even though tak ada infection sebab mulut boleh buka kecil sahaja.

Check gigi sebelah kanan pula. Dah goyang, easier to pull off tapi kena tunggu sebab kena infection. Pulak. Banyak nanah. Gelinya, pengotor pula rasanya. I have to take antibiotic first plus some painkillers to lessen it. 3 days later, pay her another visit for extraction and filling. Plus scaling. It is time now sebab dah 6 bulan dah tak cuci. Tadi aku baca kalau brush teeth banyak kali and makan acidic food banyakpun boleh menipiskan enamel. So, I have to reduce consumption of coke plus all those masam-masam food.

Thursday would be our next date and the best thing is MC would be give. One whole week I would be in KT, hooray. 

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