My sister called me. Of course I did not pick up as it was in silent mode. Yes, I was in law class - our last day in class. Now we are on our own to study for exam. Not really, as lecturer gave us his phone no and email should we have any questions. I am glad I made it to business law class this afternoon as there are so many useful tips especially on answering questions. But of course, I skipped tax class this morning, overslept. No other reason, put stop.
Back to my sister's call. Apparently my uncle is getting better and he had his first meal (porridege) after the endiogram. Walaupun kelmarin aku beritahunya aku tidak boleh datang kerana exam, aku teringin juga hendak melihatnya dalam better health state. He looked much, much better. And yes, I met my eldest sister's kids there. Then, her eldest told me to go down as her other siblings are waiting for their turn.
And surprise, I saw her, my little princess. She has to wait in the lobby as younger kids are not allowed to be in CCU (Coronary Care Unit). Everytime I saw her, she is getting prettier and prettier.
biasalah, mula-mula susah nak ambil gambar dia |
numerous attempts at jumping photo shoot |
tired, actually photographer's fault ni tak dapat capture her jump |
Cheeky princess as usual, try to block me from taking her sister's photo |
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