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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cheesy Meatball With Mushroom

Baru siap menggoreng bebola untuk snack dalam kereta dan juga untuk difrozenkan. Cadangnya nak buat siang tadi tapi Mr V talipon. Oops, namanya masih ada walaupun berbulan tak contact. Mr V and family ke India untuk bermeditasi. Ikut dialah...kamipun sekadar kawan saja.

Apa kene mengenanya Mr V and my bebola? He said he would be at my place around 4.30 pm. I malas nak menyepahkan rumah dengan bahan-bahan masakan kalau dia ada. Serabutpun ada dengan komennya.
Dalam menunggu membuang masa, sedar-sedar dah pukul 6 pm. Takke darah sudah reach upstair, kata orang. My sister would be coming at 7.30 pm. Pertembungan yang perlu dielakkan. I told him not to come today. And not tomorrow too as I am going back to my hometown but at the end, I suruh datang juga sebab 2/3 buah bilik perlukan cheap labor. Dah lama sangat bilik-bilik tu bergelap. Sambil menukar mentol lampu, sambil membebel. Lain kali, jangan beli lampu yang complicated sangat.

Selepas dia balik, terus memulakan projek bebola....cheesy gogumalah, cheesy chickenball dan cheesy meatball with mushroom. Resepi lebih kurang sama. Sambil layan citer Korea, The Commitment, sambil menggetel bebola cheeseball.


1 cawan daging kisar
1 cawan ubi kentang lecek
1 cawan carrot
2 cawan kanji gandum
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
2 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh garam
serbuk lada hitam
mushroom buttotn dicincang
keju parut

  1. Campurkan kesemua bahan kecuali mushroom button dan keju parut.
  2. Apabila sudah sebati,, ambil sedikit dan bulatkan.
  3. Leperkan dan letak cheese dab mushroom ditengah.
  4. Tutupkan dan bulatkan.
  5. Kemudian , golekkan dalam adunan breadcrumb tadi.
  6. Buat begini sehingga habis kesemuanya.
  7. Bolehlah digoreng.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Meet and Part - Parcel of Life

At tender age of 13 year old, I was sent to boarding school. The first day, I was really excited. It was like a great achievement as not simply anyone can go to boarding school. You have to pass the exam and for MARA Science Junior College at that time, we have to pass the interview and IQ test. Mmmm, I wonder now what happen to my IQ? Is it because of good food that is being fed to me by my parents and sister, I am losing them? I wonder. 

We made friends and develop the special bond because of the hardship that we face there. When you attend boarding school, you are not only studying. There were so many things to cope with. We also missed our family so much. We do not only share knowledge on academic matters but also life and religion. Food sharing, the joke whatsoever, it was fun. Trying not to get caught for breaking the rules or else, face punishment

When I was in form four, we formed a group called The Dozen. Of coz, there were others who had negative opinion on us because they thought we were a bunch of troublemaker. But the actual fact was it was formed because the twelve of us always brought food from dining hall and had together at our dorm. The rules clearly stated we have to eat at the dining hall unless you are sick. We are not allowed to bring back food. With the formation of group, it was easier for us to maintain a duty roaster on whose turn to take the food. Of coz, we would get scolded by the kakak and abang at dining hall but we just turned deaf ears. From some of my dorm mates point of view, we were considered noisy coz we always having fun such as birthday parties and dancing times during the weekend. You can say our voices at the top of our lung all the times. Surprisingly, it was not the same during class. 

When the time came for us to part after our final exam, SPM, it was really sad. No matter how many times I wanted to leave school coz of homesick, part of me also wanted us to remain together forever. But everyone really went on their way; some went to overseas to further their studies and ended up working there while others remained loyal at their hometown. When we get to meet each other, it was a warm feeling. Thank you to the social sites, we managed to track each other activities via them even though not meeting in person.

I miss my childhood friends and others too but my time also is running short. I also need time for my family and my own. I do not have time for gathering like last time. My nieces and nephews have grown up now, so that's meant more family events. 

Nevertheless, it was really sad to to receive news on the demise of my friends. The recent one was on 18 Jan this year. And I wondered whether I have a chance to meet her again after our graduation? The last time I met her when I visited the friends at Arkansas University. Al Fatihah for her, may she rest in peace.

Make your time to keep in touch and not having any regret. As for me, having losing so many close family members and friends, I become more stronger to receive this sort of news. But this news also remind us it will be our time too. Are we really prepared to meet Allah S.W.T? Have we repented from our sins, how much good deed we have done, do we take care of the poor and needy and do we really carry out our duty as a good Muslim? 

Take care and let us recite al Fatihah to our families and friends who had left us. I hope we will be able to see each other in heaven, our ultimate destiny.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Present From The Employer

2014 starts with good news from my beloved Finally, it arises. Now we have RM150 for optical benefit and RM300 for dental benefit. I am sure some of you have enjoyed these perks from your employers for some time. Well, it is our turn now.

Optical benefit will cover items which include prescribed spectacles, spectacle frames, contact lenses, lens cleansing and disinfecting solutions but excluded but not limited to are Sunglasses (unless with prescription from doctor), Lasik Surgery, Pin Hole Glasses and Flip up shades.

Excluded but not limited? Mmm, what does they meant? And my greedy heart say, a little bit more please. Can you cover lasik surgery too? Or high end branded frame?

Dental benefit will cover items like X-ray, extraction of teeth including anesthesia, filling, oral examination and diagnostic including cleaning and scaling of teeth, medicine and emergency treatment of dental pain. And here they have this clause again:

Exclusions are but not limited to:
-       Root Canal
-       Installation of Dentures
-       Extraction of Wisdom tooth

Nevertheless, I am grateful. Here, my big kisses, muah, muah my dear employer. And I love the big increment.

Oh yeah, I need to make dental appointment - scaling and filling.

Jogging di Taman Desa Parkcity

As I mentioned several times, Desa Parkcity is my favorite place in KL to live. I will never giving up me dream to stay there one day. The landscape, cleanliness and no eyesore stalls being erected. While waiting to realise my dream, I will either do my grocery there once a while or jogging at their recreation park. Nice place, I feel much better. Err, I did not jog, just walk. Not even brisk walk, blame it (again) on my back. But still I  am doing exercise.

Cheesy Goguma

Nama kelas gitu tapi sebenarnya bebola keledek dengan keju di dalam. KFCkan ada cheesy ball. Kebetulan ada barang barang yang dah lama tapi malas nk masak or makan. Apa lagi, mak cik yang sedang kreatifpun mulalah mencuba.


1 cawan keledek yang dilecekkan
1 cawan carrot yang disagat/parut
1 cawan daging kisar (either beef or chicken)
1 cawan kanji gandum (boleh juga gunakan gandum)
1 sudu bawang putih kisar
sedikit serbuk lada hitam dan garam
1 sudu baking powder
1 sudu soda bikarbonat
biji bijan (or boleh gantikan dengan serbuk roti)


  1. Daging digoreng dulu dengan bawang putih,lada hitam dan garam. Sudah masak, ketepikan dan toskan agar hilang minyak.
  2. Campurkan keledek, carrot dan daging kisar sehingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan kanji gandum sedikit demi sedikit kedalam adunan tadi.
  4. Tambahkan baking powder dan soda bikarbonat supaya lembut adunan.
  5. Bila tidak melekit, bolehlah dibentuk bulat-bulat.
  6. Ambil sebiji, leperkan. Masukkan keju di tengah-tengah. Tutup dan bentukkan bulat.

    7.  Golekkan dalam biji bijan. Ketuk-ketuk sedikit sebelum menggoreng.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wish You Well

Wow, Ain can do split now.
Ika, who else, taught her.
And Ain introduce make up to Ika..hehehe

Oh ya, Ain will have operation to remove her tonsils this week.
Hopefully, everything will be fine.
And no more frequent fevers for her.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Entertainment

Ignore the dust. The homeowner is really lazy, often citing back pain as an excuse. I lost my HDMI cable which was supplied with tv. At that time, I could not bother less about it. I was really engrossed watching my favorite show, CSI on Astro. Laptop just for surfing other things.

Since PG introduced me to online show, I no longer can concentrate watching tv alone without checking online show on my laptop. Then one day, Astro decoder play prank on me. It seems slow in reacting to my command (changing channel).

So, I only watch online show and start to ignore tv. Until my clean laundry becomes a huge mountain in my living room. And in other rooms too. I have to take drastic action but do not want to give up my online show. Astro is boring to watch now coz of the above. So I connect my lappy to tv for me to continue being entertained while ironing my clothes. Cool, right? The setback is the HDMI wire is too short. The one that was supplied with tv was gone with the wind.

Round and Round

I could not sleep. My stomach still hurting, visit the loo often but why I still feel my stomach bloating. Is it stress? Yesterday, I visited the GP. Told her I am suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting. But I felt pain down there. Am I having constipation or suffering from anal fissure again? I always worry if it happens again because I had worst experience last time. The agony after surgery still lingering in my mind. The pain was so unbearable especially when u have hard cotton inserted inside your behind to stop the bleeding.

Anyway, did I tell you how I fall in love with this round sofa? And I did buy it. Every time I mentioned it, PG will ask whether I bought it. But I kept mum. Nak surpriselah tu. LOL.

But I chose different fabric pattern. Solid black (not velvet) for the frame and the following fabric for cushion. I visited the showroom so many times before I put the booking. Until one of the salesgirl remembers me well. It seems I left quite an impression on her.

Bottom fabric for round cushion and small cushion insert. Top for big cushion

I bought it around the time when I bought my magic bladeless fan. I got to have it and I must have it despite my empty coffers. But my love for the sofa is much, much more deeper than for my wallet. I should have it, right?

I will have it delivered during 1st term school holiday. I want to enjoy it alone for two weeks before I start having regular guests at my home again. Nope, I am not talking about PG. My sister and my nephew but I am not complaining about their company. I am happy coz of them, I am no more lonelier. But it is just I am not ready to share the round sofa yet. PG definitely understands well my territory whenever she visits me.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Sunshines

If she is bored, it is good to bring along the sketchbook for her.She would be totally immersed in it and won't disturb us. Unless her boredom reached "tahap gaban" or she is sleepy.

And Ain has different way to amuse herself


Pau Goreng.

Hari ni, buat lagi pau goreng because of my nephew's request. Nak tapau ke sekolah so he can save his pocket money. Excitedlah sebab ada yang minat with our cooking.

Tapi pau ni simple aja. Isinya can be hotdog dipped in barbecue sauce or, hotdog with cheese or veal cocktail, anything.

Here is the recipe for pau goreng. Isinya, I leave it to your imagination.

visual kurang menarik. ni buat last week. this week, the shae is getting better.

550 gm gandum
2 sudu tea double-action baking powder

5 sudu teh yeast
5 sudu besar gula
625 ml air suam

1 sudu besar minyak sayur.

1- Ayakkan bahan A bersama-sama

2. Campurkan bahan B sehingga yeast kembang

3. Masukkan bahan B dalam bahan A sambil diadun sehingga sebati.

4. Apabila adunan tidak melekat ditangan, masukkan I sudu besar minyak sayur.

5. Biarkan dalam 10 minit.

6. Selepas itu bolehlah dibentuk bulat-bulat. Besar terpulanglah atas suka.

7. Masukkan inti. Kali ini saya gunakan bebola ayam bersama parutan lobak dan keju.

8. Selepas membentuk, biarkan selama 30 minit dan bolehlah menggoreng.

Senang ajakan. Selamat mencuba.

Oops, I did it again.

I counted my blessing last Saturday. It is for a reason someone just made my day.

I woke up early that Saturday as I had to rush for servicing my car. It was due already. The service centre opened at 8.30 am. I kept postponing the time to go there until it was 8.30 am. No sweat, I told myself. Not everyone bound to wake up so early on Saturday. But I was wrong. When I reached there, the cars overflowed the service centre compound. I slowed down my car and checked the number on the top of car. 40 something?

My spirit went down a little bit. I decided to wait till another week. But I was afraid anything bad may happen as it exceeded the schedule time. So, I turned back and a customer service office came out. As I passed him, I slowed down my car and wound down the mirror. I did not have a chance to speak up, he told me to come back at 2.30 pm and give him the key, he would handled everything. Isn't that so sweet of him?

When it was 2.00 pm, I rushed to the service center. The sweet guy who now reminded me of K-Pop Star (he got his hair blonde) because of his great help called me to remind me of the appointment. So, I handed him the key. He has done the registration. I just need to wait.

While waiting, I fumbled through my bag. Oops, I left the wallet plus another pouch that contained my cards at home. Luckily, I had my phone with me and had my sister come to my rescue.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Missing Them.

For sure, I miss them. I wish I am still in Terengganu with them. They are growing up now, love to take selca and post in their FB. Loving to put up show and of course, they will ask me to record and post in FB. No tagging please, they will say. Nowadays, they will say put in secret group only. We have our own secret group for my parents, siblings and nieces/nephews.